go inwards : deepen your forward folds
forward folds can often feel challenging, leaving you frustrated by tight hips, a restricted spine, or tense hamstrings. join emily ross for this 90 minute back to basics workshop exploring techniques for how to move beyond these physical barriers and create more space and ease in your body. expect a gentle vinyasa flow to warm up in preparation for diving inwards into a deeper forward fold practice.
beyond the physical, forward folds embody a calming, introspective energy. together, we’ll learn how to embrace the grounding energetic qualities of these asana, helping cultivate a sense of peace both on and off the mat. whether you're seeking greater flexibility or a deeper connection to stillness, this workshop offers tools to transform your relationship with these poses.
suitable for all levels.
sunday, february 23rd
3.30 - 5.00pm
spirit house
65 middle rd, devonshire
investment : $40